

Legal terms

Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in our company, our products and our services. Please read the following information carefully. Updating our web pages may involve making changes to this information. We therefore advise you to check our legal terms from time to time for updated information.


Universal Investment does its best to ensure that the content of its website is up-to-date, accurate and complete. However, the underlying data may have changed, which means that the information supplied is not necessarily always up-to-date, accurate and complete. Universal Investment assumes no guarantee for the content of this website. As a result, Universal Investment assumes no liability for direct or indirect damage, including loss of earnings, incurred in connection with the use of the information provided on this website. The same applies to the partial or complete inability to access or use, or any other difficulties in accessing or using, the website. Universal Investment explicitly reserves the right to completely or partially modify, amend, delete or temporarily or permanently discontinue the website or individual sections thereof without separate notification.

The content of this website is for information purposes only and does not constitute a sale of units or shares in investment funds within the meaning of the German Capital Investment Code nor a financial analysis within the meaning of the German Securities Trading Act. It is aimed exclusively at professional and semi-professional clients and is not intended for private investors. Investment decisions should only be made on the basis of the current sales documents (key investor information, sales prospectus, annual and semi-annual reports), which also contain the sole authoritative contractual terms and conditions or investment conditions. The sales documents for the investment funds managed by Universal Investment are available free of charge from the responsible depositary and on the Internet at: www.universal-investment.com .


Our website is intended exclusively for users who are legally entitled to access its content. It is not intended for persons in countries which prohibit the provision of, access to and use of these content. Where and in so far as persons are subject to restrictions on use as a result of their nationality, place of residence or other reasons, they may not access or use the website. Please find out about any existing restrictions on use in advance and comply accordingly.

No advice

The content of this website is intended to provide general information only and do not represent advice given by Universal Investment. It is intended to make your decisions easier but it cannot be a substitute for personal advice. Before making use of the content, you should check carefully whether the information is suited to your needs and is compatible with your specific objectives.

Proprietary rights

The content and design of this website is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights. The content is for personal use only and not intended for commercial purpose. The accessing, copying and storage of all or part of the content is only permitted if the source is clearly identified. All other activities including the use of trademarks or logos are only permitted with the explicit prior consent of Universal Investment. If you think that your trademarks and logos have been used by mistake and you wish them to be identified or deleted, please send an email to info@universal-investment.com.


We want you to feel comfortable when visiting our website. Protecting your privacy when we handle your personal data is important to us. We consider all information about customers, staff and all visitors to our website to be highly sensitive and treat it confidentially and solely in accordance with statutory provisions. This applies in particular to personal data (emails, establishing contact), where we fully comply with the relevant data protection regulations. The only data we collect, process and use during your visit to our website are data, as listed above, that you have personally submitted to us. No analysis of personal data is made. We do not disclose your data to third parties.

Please note: any unsecured transmission of data via the internet may be intercepted, viewed or altered by unauthorised third parties. This also applies to email messages. You should therefore never send unencrypyted, confidential or sensitive data via email.

For more information on how we protect your privacy please read our privacy statement.


The websites of other providers whose contents are not authorised or controlled by Universal Investment may contain hyperlinks. Universal Investment wishes to ensure that the contents of these sites are not attributed to Universal Investment solely as a result of the publication of a hyperlink. Universal Investment hereby distances itself from all explicit and implicit contents concealed behind these hyperlinks, including servers, third party postings, mailing lists, discussion forums or guest books. Universal Investment is not aware that the contents of other websites are in breach of the applicable law. Any such breach would naturally result in the removal of the relevant hyperlink. Hyperlinks to this website or the inclusion or presentation of information on other websites are only permitted with the prior explicit consent of Universal Investment.


Should any of the provision here of be invalid, illegal or unfeasible, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

This website and the information and material contained therein shall be governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

As of January 2021


The icons used on this website are coming from https://icons8.com/.
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