Hero image Institutional Investors

Service Range for Institutional Investors


Thinking ahead – Mastering complexity

With innovation, solid expertise, long-standing experience, and a forward-looking perspective, we solve complex challenges for our investors, creating optimal investment conditions with tailor-made structures. In addition, we guide our clients reliably though regulatory requirements.

Whether securities, alternative investments, real estate, or digital assets. Whether rule-based portfolio management with its multifaceted 

tasks or comprehensive reporting services – we cover the entire range of services across all asset classes.

As one of leading fund services platforms and Super ManCos in Europe, we have been successfully supporting institutional investors for more than 55 years.



Value Chain

We support you along the entire value chain or, if you prefer, focus on spcific modules. Your personal relationship manager will assist you from the very beginning.

Universal Investment value chain Institutional Investors
Source: Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH

Understanding the Challenges, you face

We understand the unique demands of our time and the challenges they pose for institutional investors, particulary in areas like data security and cyber security. We handle our investors’ data with the utmost care and reliability: our data servers are located in Germany and Luxembourg and are hosted by our subsidiary UI Information Technologies.

Sustainability is equally important to us: we are committed to sustainability within our company and in the services, we offer our investors. Our comprehensive ESG reporting sets reliable standards.

Additionally, our in-house Sustainability Office supports our clients in sustainable investments, represents the clients’ perspective in industry committees, and drives market transformation through cross-sector exchange and collaboration.

Asset Classes

Asset Classes at a Glance

From securities to alternative investments, from real estate to digital assets. Universal Investment covers the entire spectrum across all relevant structures and vehicles with a presence in key fund domiciles including Germany, Luxembourg, and Ireland.


Focused and with Foresight

Our rule-based portfolio management with overlay management, reporting across all asset classes and vehicles, and especially ESG reporting, allow us to enhance portfolio oversight, ensure regulatory compliance, and balance risks with opportunities.

Universe – Fund Partners

Expertise and Experience 

Universe – You are only one click away from our national and international fund partners with manifold investment strategies and solutions for institutional investors.


Let's work together to find the right solution for you. We would be happy to introduce to you our comprehensive services.
Jochen Meyers

Jochen Meyers

Managing Director, Group Head of Relationship Management

+49 69 71043 460


Further topics

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