Solutions for all your needs
Whether you are an asset manager looking for an efficient front office platform for your portfolio management setup or a fund advisor who wants to relay investment recommendations quickly – we have the best solutions for all your needs.
With its “flowsuite” application, UI labs is currently the only IT service provider in Europe to offer front office solutions based on SimCorp Dimension in the form of a cost-effective software as a service model. Discover how you can ensure your portfolio management runs most efficiently across all fund mandates.
For fund advisors in the advisory model, our new online platform “UI Advisory Portal” offers an interactive and transparent solution for relaying your investment recommendations – as well as providing you with a clear overview of the processing status at all times. In addition, our cooperation with Baader Research gives you access to the largest pan-European research platforms.
Front office platform
Learn more -
UI Advisory Portal
Learn moreYou have the director’s role for your white label funds. We support you with a modern front office infrastructure and access to first-class research.
Cooperation with Baader Research
Learn moreAccess rich data to make informed investment decisions. The exclusive cooperation gives you access to one of the largest pan-European research platforms.
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