Universal Investment Group continues to lead the pack as largest third-party ManCo and AIFM in Luxembourg
13. June 2022
- Corporate

Luxembourg is the world’s largest fund hub and, according to the annual “Observatory for Management Companies” created by consultant PwC Luxembourg, has grown further in 2021. Assets managed by Management Companies (ManCos) increased year-on-year by 22% to the all-time high of EUR 5.3 bn. UCITS funds, which still play a pivotal role, increased by 16% in 2021. Alternative investment funds experienced an even stronger growth with 41% compared to 2020.

One of the drivers behind this growth is Universal Investment Group with its local platform Universal-Investment Luxembourg S.A. In 2021, assets under administration increased by 23% to EUR 108.2 bn. Due to a number of successful projects with customers and passionate employees, Universal Investment again gained the first rank in two core categories:
- Largest third-party ManCo with assets worth EUR 108.2bn
- Largest Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) with EUR 86.6bn in assets
This success is another proof point for the high customer-orientation of the company as well as the successful strategy targeted to the ambition of becoming the leading European fund service platform and Super ManCo. Universal Investment offers solutions for structuring, launching and administering of both UCITS and AIF to asset managers and asset owners.